Iron deficiency in Russia: main problems and possible solutions


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The paper reviews the current epidemiological problems of iron deficiency and anemia in Russia. The authors place emphasis on women of reproductive age and pregnant women who represent the most socially signif icant group of the population. Morbidity rates and population characteristics of the problem are presented in detail. The paper examines the signif icance of global medical and social issues and the consequences of iron def iciency, issues related to the quality of life, clinical manifestations, the impact on reproductive function and the consequences of pregnancy. The authors give a detailed description of the modern understanding of iron metabolism, its regulation, mechanisms of absorption and transportation, and possible schemes for the development of iron deficiency. The authors explain the role of such iron regulatory proteins as divalent metallotransporter, ferroportin, hepcidin and their interaction, the values of other metals involved in iron metabolism, such as copper and manganese. The pathogenetic aspects of sideropenic and anemic syndromes, their significance in reproductive function and fetal formation are considered in detail. Both classical and novel algorithms and approaches are given. The paper presents modern algorithms for the treatment of latent iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia, possible approaches and recommendations of various medical specialists. This paper attempts to show the most effective medications and approaches to their use in women with iron deficiency anemia. The advantages of liquid medications are described; the most effective doses, regimens, and duration of their use are discussed. As a result, the authors summarize all the information, present the simplest schemes for the diagnosis and treatment of different stages of iron def iciency and suggest a new approach to the treatment of iron def iciency, using the previous solution of the problem. Conclusion: Iron deficiency remains a serious problem in Russia. However, there is a possibility that incidence of iron deficiency will be reduced in our country in the near future.

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Sobre autores

Nikolay Stuklov

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; National Medical Research Radiological Center, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Dr. Med. Sci., Professor at the Department of Hospital Therapy with Courses of Endocrinology, Hematology and Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, Medical Institute

Irakli Basiladze

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; A.S. Loginov Moscow Clinical Scientific Center, Moscow Health Department

doctor-hematologist, Department of Hematology

Nikolay Kisly

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Dr. Med. Sci., Professor, Department of Hospital Therapy with Courses of Endocrinology, Hematology and Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, Medical Institute


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