Vitamin D and metabolic syndrome risk in patients with reproductive dysfunction



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Objective. To estimate the blood level of 25(OH) D3 and its effect on the development of hormonal and metabolic disorders in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and reproductive dysfunction. Subject and methods. Forty-five with PCOS and 15 healthy women were examined. Physical examination, assessment of constitutional traits, and estimation of the degree of hirsutism, hormonal background, and carbohydrate metabolic parameters were done. Serum vitamin D metabolite levels were measured by enzyme immunoassay using a 25(OH) D2 and D3 DIA SOURCE kit. Results. All the women with PCOS were ascertained to have reduced blood 25(OH) D2 and D3 levels. Severe vitamin D deficiency (11.49±2.1 ng/ml) was detected in patients with hyperandrogenic phenotypes of PCOS; moderate deficiency (21.8±3.58 ng/mg) was observed in those without obvious hyperandrogenism. The PCOS women with 25(OH) D2 and D3 deficiency were found to have insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, abdominal obesity, and a three-fold increase in anti-Müllerian hormone. Conclusion. Blood vitamin D deficiency in patients with PCOS is attended by hormonal background changes, hyperandrogenism, and evolving symptoms of metabolic syndrome.




Larisa Maltseva

Kazan State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health of Russia

MD, PhD, professor, head of department of obstetrics and gynecology № 1

Elena Gafarova

Kazan State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health of Russia

MD, PhD, assistant professor of department of obstetrics and gynecology № 1


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