Experience in the use of low-dosed levonorgestrel-containing intrauterine system LCS16 and combined oral contraceptive containing 30 mcg ethinyl estradiol and 3 mg drospirenone in young women



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Objective: To assess the satisfaction of young nulliparous and parous women using low-dosed levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) or taking a combined oral contraceptive (COC) containing 30 mcg ethinyl estradiol and 3 mg drospirenone for 12 months. Materials and methods: The study included women aged 18-29 years (n=147) who used LNG-LUS LCS16 (n=74) or took COC (30 mcg ethinyl estradiol and 3 mg drospirenone) (n=73). We studied general satisfaction of the patients using the contraceptive method and the Likert scale 6 and 12 months after applying one of the contraception methods. We assessed the satisfaction using the bleeding and pain profile, treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAE), preferences in contraception method and attrition rate. Results: The percentage of patients who considered themselves to be ‘very satisfied’ and ‘satisfied’ with the contraception method was 90.3% (65/72) in the group using the LUD, and 97.3% (71/73) in the group taking the COC for 12 months. There was a decrease in bleeding and pain when patients used both methods and a decrease in the number of days of blood loss in the LUD group after 12 months. Amenorrhea was observed in 7.7% (5/72) of the participants of the LUD group and in no cases in the COC group. The patients’ responses about the bleeding profile were ‘very satisfied’ or ‘rather satisfied’ in 94.3% (66/72) and 95.8% (69/73) of the cases, respectively. TEAE were revealed in 50% (36/72) of women in the LNG-LUS group and in 38.4% (28/73) of women in the COC group. After 12 months, 81.4% and 79.2% (57/73) women respectively wanted to continue using their method of contraception. Conclusion: Both contraception methods, LNG-LUS and COC, are characterized by high satisfaction rates.




Larisa Suturina

Scientific Center for Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems

Email: lsuturina@mail.ru
Dr. Med. Sci., Professor, Chief Researcher, Head of the Department of Reproductive Health Protection

Galina Dikke

F.I. Inozemtsev Academy of Medical Education

Email: galadikke@yandex.ru
Dr Med. Sci., Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology with a course of reproductive medicine


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