P. M. Kamenetsky. To the casuistry of combined forms of Basedow's disease. Doctor. Newspaper, № 15 1908

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The patient, who was under the supervision of the author, initially developed a symptom complex characteristic of Basedow’s disease, then symptoms appeared that indicated damage to the adrenal glands, Adisson’s disease. The latter was recognizable especially by the bronze coloration of the skin, which also extended to the visible mucous membranes. The author believes that the disease of the thyroid gland was also responsible for the damage to the adrenal glands: namely, under the influence of increased and pathological activity of the thyroid gland, an increase in the vitality of ecto-endodermal tissues and inhibition of the functions of mesodermal tissues occurred; the adrenal glands, as a derivative of the mesoderm, also began to decline in their function; the probable tuberculosis of these glands met in its development, thus, the ground had already been prepared.

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У больного, находившагося подъ наблюденіемъ автора, первоначально развился симптомокомплексъ, характерной для болѣзни Basedow’a,— затѣмъ появились симтптомы, указывавшіе на пораженіе надпочечниковъ,—на болѣзнь Adisson’a. Послѣднюю распознать позволяла особенно бронзовая окраска кожныхъ покрововъ, распростравнившаяся также и на видимыя слизистыя оболочки. Авторъ полагаетъ, что заболѣваніе щитовидной железы оказалось повиннымъ и въ пораженіи надпочечниковъ: именно, подъ вліяніемъ усиленной и патологической дѣятельности щитовидной железы возникло повышеніе жизнестойкости тканей экто-энтодермы и угнетеніе функцій ме- зодермальныхъ тканей; надпочечники, какъ дериватъ мезодермы, также стали падать въ своей функціи;—вѣроятный туберкулезъ этихъ железъ встрѣтилъ въ своемъ развитіи, такимъ образомъ, почву уже подготовленную.


About the authors

Ivan N. Zhilin

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 1908 Zhilin I.N.

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