Age-specific characteristics of skin diseases development

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Persons at senile and advanced age apply to dermatologists more often than to other doctors for the correction of age-related changes. Authors analyzed the results of examination of 7795 patients aged from 6 months to 95 years old to detect correlations of involutory skin changes in patients with carbohydrate or lipid metabolism disorders as well as in thyroid gland dysfunction during gerontogenesis. Among them patients exposed to adverse environmental factors were included (n = 328, 60-96 years old). Results of the study showed that influence of anthropogenic environmental factors leads to predomination of such involutory skin changes as senile angiomas (46,3%) and lentigo (39,0%). The study showed that in advanced age a complex of proliferative, pigmented and vascular skin changes develop, which indicate the acting factor. Analysis of somatic comorbidities in skin disorders showed that in skin disorders 1,8 somatic disorder per patient are diagnosed; in diabetes mellitus - 2,2; in hypothyrosis - 2,8; in lipid metabolism disorders - 3,8. Thus, the frequency of somatic diseases increases in metabolic disorders, especially in lipid metabolism disorders.



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