The application of stomatological biofilms containing clindamycin and galavit for the combined treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis

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Stomatological biofilms Diplen K and Diplen G were used to treat patients presenting with chronic generalized periodontitis. The most characteristic general and local features of this pathological condition associated with type 1 periodontopathogenic bacteria were identified. It was shown that Diplen biofilms applied in combination with antibiotics clindamycin and immunomodulator galavit substantially suppress inflammatory reactions; moreover, they appear to reduce alteration of periodontal tissues. At the same time, clindamycin slows down the development and invasion of microorganisms which leads to a significant decrease in the number of the most aggressive anaerobic bacteria or their complete elimination; also, it strengthens the positive effect of the combined treatment. The patients reported the improvement of the overall health and needed no additional therapy.


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