卷 20, 编号 4 (2016)


Development of a new metal alloy based on gold "pragodent plus" - practical implementation of the concept of development of the domestic dental materials science

Parunov V., Tykochinskiy D., Vasekin V.


The article opasnostej new Russian alloy based on gold for metal ceramic dentures "Pragodent Plus, having a pronounced zheelty color, through a comprehensive analysis of the influence of alloying elements on the color of gold alloys, physical and mechanical properties and coefficient of thermal linear expansion puteam create the required recipe.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(4):172-175
pages 172-175 views

The results of morphological research of mucous membrane of mouth and skin of the perioral region after exposure to light ental photopolymerization in the experiment

Romanova Y., Kozlov D., Shashmurina V., Nikolaev A.


Conducted standardized comparative microscopic study of the skin of the lips and mucous membrane of the mouth ofexperimental animals after exposure of light of dental photopolymerization with different characteristics of the light flux. Found that when exposed to light, there are reversible changes in tissues: edema and hyperemia of stroma, leukocyte infiltration, activation of corpulent cells and fibroblasts, most pronounced when using a led polymerization apparatus with increased light output.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(4):176-179
pages 176-179 views

Comparative analysis of pre-operative physiotherapy techniques for the prevention of early complications of dental implants

Marcheko N., Dem’yanenko S., Kirichenko V.


The clinic conducted a survey and surgical treatment of 86 patients aged from 35 to 50 years with partial secondary edentulous. In the 1st (control) clinical group (36 patients) in the preoperative period was carried out preparation of tissues for implantation by the method we found that a single vacuum therapy for 7-8 days before implantation. The 2nd (main) group included 50 patients in the preoperative period (one day before surgery) on the tissues of the alveolar ridge once impacted by electrophoresis with Erbisol. The analysis of immediate results of surgical treatment in groups of observations according to the changes of the clinical picture, the timing of the restoration of digital values of biochemical parameters of mixed saliva, indicative of more rapid completion of local and General inflammatory reactions (7 days) representatives of group 2, compared with 1 (10 days) control group.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(4):180-183
pages 180-183 views

Total jaw osteonecrosis among drug addicts

Medvedev Y., Basin E., Serova N., Korshunova A., Babkova A., Kureshova D.


Article describes surgical treatment of total jaw osteonecrosis among addicts to synthetic drugs - desomorphine and pervitin.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(4):183-189
pages 183-189 views

Analysis and evaluation of socio-hygienic aspects of quality of life based on the results of sociological research of military age in the Kabardino-Balkar Republic

Mustafaev M., Kardanets L.


The complex estimation of risk factors for dental diseases and studied social and hygienic characteristics and dental activity of military age Kabardino-Balkarian Republic on the basis of the data analysis of questionnaires, questionnaires, studied opinion on the quality of recruits medical dental institutions. Because of our study revealed that a lack of health literacy, lack of attention to their dental health, lack of motivation to prevention of dental diseases and oral hygiene is observed in most of the young men of military age.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(4):190-193
pages 190-193 views

Clinical efficiency of modern direct compo-composite restoration with a combination of standard and predpole-marinovannoyi forms of composite

Sadovskiy V., Shumilovich B., Sushchenko A., Morozov A., Leshcheva E.


Physical and chemical properties of advanced composites have substantially broadened the indications for direct composite restorations. Clinically evaluated aesthetic effectiveness of different physical forms the chemically identical composites. Based on these results, confirmed by the data ofstatistical processing found that the quality and durability of the aesthetic restoration directly depend on the shape and consistency of the manufacturing conditions, even chemically identical composites with the same size base particles. A method ofmanual modeling standardform composite does not provide adequate quality ofrestoration, and, consequently, durability and aesthetic restoration as a whole. At the same time, the use of the pre-polymerized form of the composite provides a high quality and durable aesthetic restoration, in this particular fabrication provides greater accuracy of the optical transmission characteristics of enamel, compared with the method of manual modeling. The system finished veneers is the method of choice and is a special pre-clinical assets with non-standard situations (discoloration of various etiologies, a significant amount of restoration, restoration associated vital and non-vital teeth, the presence of prosthetic) in patients with high demands on aesthetics.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(4):194-198
pages 194-198 views

Application of natural astaxanthin for tissue healing in the oral cavity when using immediat prosthesis. Clinical case

Samoylova M., Kosyreva T., Anurova A., Voropaeva E., Zhilenkova O., Matveevskaya N., Zatevalov A.


Immediate dentures are a variety of removable prosthesis, are mainly used after removal, for the temporary replacement of lost teeth [1]. According to statistics, people of different ages, using Immediate dentures develop inflammation of prosthetic bed, the formation of edema and decubitus, and therefore provides a clinical case of using the gel with astaxanthin during Immediate prosthesis [2, 3].
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(4):198-200
pages 198-200 views

Comparative analysis of traditional dental radiography and cone beam computed tomography in the diagnosis of chronic granulating periodontitis

Selina O., Nekrylov D., Shalaev O., Solov'eva A., Mashkova N., Shvyreva S.


Rationale: Despite the advances of modern medicine is now diagnosis of chronic granulating periodontitis causes difficulties. The main diagnostic method for this disease is an X-ray. However, X-rays provide only two-dimensional display of three-dimensional structures, so often periapical changes on the received image go unnoticed. The use of dental cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) with permanent densitometry would solve the problem of setting the diagnosis of "chronic granulating periodontitis. ” Objective: to improve the efficiency of diagnosis of chronic granulating periodontitis using dental cone-beam computed tomography with densitometry periapical tissues. Methods: 70 patients in the study took part, which to clarify the diagnosis carried out: clinical diagnostics, radiography, dental CBCT with densitometry periapical tissues. Results: in the conditions of application of traditional X-ray diagnostics 22.9% of chronic periodontitis (. 16 out of 70 people) remain generally unrecognized. During the CBCT in all patients (100%), signs of chronic periodontitis were found. Percentage of compelling visualization signs of chronic granulating periodontitis on the X-ray was 60% (42 out of 70 people.). During the CBCT signs granulating periodontitis were detected in all 70 subjects (100%). In a sample of patients from 70 people with chronic granulating periodontitis in 57.1% of them (40 out of 70 people.) Revealed its morphological reasons, not visualized with conventional radiography, but when visualized with CBCT. When using a CBCP with densitometric evaluation, under physiological conditions, the absorption coefficient (AC) periapical tissue is from 869 to 2630 H. U., and for granulating periodontitis, these figures range from +120 to +470 H.U. Conclusion: based on these results it should be concluded that CBCT with permanent densitometry evaluation in 100% of cases provides diagnostic detection of chronic granulating periodontitis.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(4):201-205
pages 201-205 views

The treatment of muscular-articular dysfunction of the emporomandibular joint in rheumatoid arthritis

Skorikov V., Lapina N., Skorikova L.


The syndrome of pain dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint in rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most complex and controversial of diseases confronting practitioners dentists. Any dental intervention should be carried out during the amplification of Antirheumatic therapy. Occlusal factors prevail In case of rheumatic arthritis of TMJ and lead to severe disorders of the neuromuscular complex and intra-articular elements. The treatment of muscular - articular dysfunction of TMJ in rheumatoid arthritis is carried out using the tires (release, relaxation, stabilizing, repositional) and occlusal biteplates. Early treatment to the dentist individuals with rheumatoid arthritis helps to prevent dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis of TMJ should be under medical supervision and be visited by the dentist 1 time in 6 months.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(4):205-208
pages 205-208 views

Cognitivebehavioral therapy for temporomandibular disorder complicated by chronic pain: challenges, prospects and limitations

Slesarev O., Trunin D., Bayrikov I.


To determine the conditions of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) of temporomandibular disorders (TMD), complicated by chronic pain, execution the randomized controlled analysis of 61 clinical cases has been carried out. Research methods. RTMD research diagnostic criteria - axis II (Dworkin S.F., LeResche L., 1992). Tendon-muscle trigger points have been identified using the Travell J.G. and Simons D.G. (1989) method. Local convulsive response and pain reproducibility have been determined in points according to Klineberg I., Jagger R. (2006). Clinical diagnosis of psychological phenomena and communicative deviations according to Rogers C.R. (2002). On the background of psychological phenomena and communicative deviancy the patients have been divided into group A and B. From this patients using random sampling technique two therapeutic groups of patients have been formed (control group - 20 patients; test group - 41 patients). The inclusion criterion - patients with musculoskeletal pain; the exclusion criteria - patients with chronic pain of cancer etiology. Therapy with the use of occlusal splints, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy (magnet-laser) have been prescribed in the control group. The test group has been divided into two subgroups. In the subgroup 1 and 2, in addition to the Protocol of the control group, a course of combined individualized pathogenetic pharmacotherapy has been carried out. In the subgroup 2 the CBT has been prescribed. Results. Psychosocial factors - etiological and pathogenetic basis of TMD chronization and pain syndrome development. In the test group in 93% of clinical cases the stable remission has been observed. In the control group, remission has been observed in 35% of cases in patients from group A. All adverse outcomes in control and test groups was observed in patients from group B. Conclusions. The indication for CBT carrying out are communicative deviations and phenomenological dysfunction, pain syndrome, with a therapy planning horizon for at least two years. The inclusion of a CBT course in the therapeutic protocol permit significantly extend the remission period change the psychological attitudes of the patient from expectation of recurrence or adverse outcome to self-detection and fixation ofpositive functional achievements.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(4):209-214
pages 209-214 views

Maxilla development in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate depending on type of primary surgical treatment

Starikova N., Korolenkova M., Soboleva I., Udalova N.


The aim of the study was to assess the impact of early lip reconstruction on maxilla development. The study involved 86 boys and 71 girls aged 0-18 years with unilateral cleft lip and alveolus (14%) and unilateral cleft lip and palate (86%). Five main subtypes of alveolar fragments relations were revealed but the results showed no correlation with the presense of cleft palate. The study results proved that: (1) interincisal line displacement to contralateral side in operated children may be seen as primary alveolar deformity; (2) early lip reconstruction (before 6 months of age) is a riskfactor for decidous incisors adentia. Thus the early lip reconstructive procedures with no early orthopedic treatment does not improve primary alveolar deformity and enhances the risks for dental germs injury leading to secondary adentia.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(4):214-217
pages 214-217 views

Diagnosis of disease and sjogren's syndrome in a dental clinic

Selifanova E., Simonova M., Razumova S., Bulgakov V.


Sjogren disease is the system autoimmune pathology of unknown etiology. It affects the glands. The combination ofpathological changes in the saliva and lachrymal glands and immune pathology is obligatory condition of this disease. Sjogren syndrome is another pathology connected with Sjogren disease (so-called isolated primary Sjogren syndrome according to the foreign authors). This syndrome is additional to rheumatoid arthritis, generalized lupus, system scleroderma, dermatomiositis, chronic active hepatitis, biliar hepatocirrhosis, autoimmune thiroiditis, in which other oral and opthalmological signs of the disease may be presented.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(4):218-221
pages 218-221 views

Wedge-shaped defects of hard dental tissues

Yanbulatova G.


Diseases among non-carious origin frequent wedge-shaped defects of hard dental tissues. Problem diagnosis and treatment of wedge-shaped defects of teeth due to their prevalence, the lack of unity of views on the origin and cause of the disease, the tactics of treatment and lack of lighting in the medical literature. Restoration of tooth tissues with such defects are certain difficulties, as is required a special approach to dissection, treatment, and the right choice of filling material, you must also take into account the general diseases of the body, affecting the process of loss of dental hard tissues. The review presents data on the prevalence of dental wedge-shaped defects, etiology and pathogenesis of the disease, dismantled different classification, which involves proper planning in the future treatment of this defect, also addressed the issue of treatment of a wedge-shaped defect. It analyzed 30 references, both domestic and foreign authors.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(4):221-224
pages 221-224 views
