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卷 24, 编号 2 (2020)


Experimental and Theoretical Investigation

The use of ultrasound and ozone therapy in the complex treatment of periodontitis

Akhmedbaeva S., Volkov A., Dikopova N., Paramonova I., Paramonov Y.


Physiotherapy makes it possible to effectively influence all the links in the pathogenesis of periodontitis. The use of ultrasound plays a special role in the treatment of periodontal diseases. With the help of ultrasonic vibrations, drugs (ultraphonophoresis) can be introduced into the tissue. For its implementation, water and oil solutions of medicinal substances are used. In periodontal practice, ultrasound is most often used to remove dental plaque. It is of scientific interest to use low-frequency ultrasound in combination or in combination with physical factors that have a pronounced antibacterial effect, such as ozone . High oxidizing properties of ozone provide its therapeutic effect, manifested in disinfecting, metabolic, immunomodulating and deodorizing effects. When conducting local ozone therapy in the oral cavity, it is necessary to accurately dose the concentration of ozone, therefore, in our opinion, the use of ozonized solutions and oils in dentists is safer and more promising. The combined and combined effects in the treatment of periodontitis of low-frequency ultrasound and ozone therapy, in the production of ozone using short ultraviolet radiation, will provide a comprehensive therapeutic effect, which consists in suppressing the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms and stimulating metabolic processes in the tissues of the macroorganism.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2020;24(2):74-78
pages 74-78 views

The composition of popular whitening toothpastes through the eyes of a chemist

Bordina G., Lopina N., Blinova A.


The article presents the results of analysis of the composition of popular toothpastes for home teeth whitening. Chemical aspects of dentistry procedure of whitening teeth are considered, original author’s schemes of ion-changes and oxidative process are given, which happen with it.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2020;24(2):79-81
pages 79-81 views

Clinical Investigation

Features of the dental status of athletes of teams of olympic teams as a reflection of the regional level of dental assistance and high psychophysical loads

Olesov E., Novozemtseva T., Makeeva I., Olesova V., Salamov M., Martynov D., Sakaeva Z.


The purpose of the study: Comparison of indicators of dental status in athletes of the Olympic national teams and the population of Moscow of the same age.
Material and methods: Dental examination of 132 athletes of the Olympic national teams and 104 residents of Moscow, males aged 20–35 years was carried out using the modified World Health Organization Dental Status Assessment Card.
Results of the study: Analysis of the prevalence and intensity of dental diseases showed that the dental status of athletes is worse in such areas as the detection of previously performed endodontic treatment and its unsatisfactory quality (with more endodontically treated teeth), the detection of large fillings and poor-quality fillings among existing fillings, prevalence pathological abrasion, the prevalence of periodontitis, the detection of unsatisfactory levels of oral hygiene, yyavlyaemost pathology of the temporomandibular joint. The obtained patterns reflect the untimely and insufficient quality of dental care for adolescents-athletes in the regions, as well as indicate higher psychophysical loads in athletes compared to peers. This necessitates special therapeutic and preventive approaches in the implementation of dental care aimed at reducing the parafunctional overload of the dentition in athletes.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2020;24(2):82-86
pages 82-86 views

Clinical and x-ray versions of deforming osteoartrosis of temporal mandibular joint

Amkhadova M., Abdurakhmanova M., Amkhadov I., Khamraev T.


Clinical and x-ray versions of deforming osteoartrosis of temporal mandibular joint are described and comparison evaluation of informative quality of separated beam methods of visualization were given. Analysis of clinical observations has proven that computer tomography is a method of choice for clear visualization and diagnosis of damage in bone structures of temporal mandibular joint.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2020;24(2):87-91
pages 87-91 views

Gender influence on the level of expression of oral fluid biomarkers

Kochurova E., Kudasova E., Podolskii Y., Gavryushova L., Izhnina E.


The purpose — to determine the level of expression in the oral fluid of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) of types 2, 8 and 9, as well as their tissue inhibitors (TIMPs) of types 1 and 2, depending on the presence or absence of a number of components of the dental status.
Material and methods. The results of a study of the level of expression of oral fluid biomarkers of 19 patients with different levels of dental health who do not have a history of history are presented. Previously, a dental examination of patients was carried out and the occurrence of signs of dental status was determined.
Results and discussion. Analysis of expression levels of matrix metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors showed significant differences in performance.
Conclusions. The data obtained suggest a significant impact of the state of dental health mainly on the level of MMP-2 and MMP-9, the indicators of which differ 2 times from the same in the opposite sex, with other conditions being almost the same (age, general health).

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2020;24(2):92-94
pages 92-94 views

Comparative characteristics of the results of facial morphometry in patients with deep incisal overlap in the treatment of bracket systems and eliners

Maksyukov S., Pilipenko N., Pilipenko K.


The relevance of studying the problem of deep incisal overlap (HF) among dentofacial anomalies (CCA) is due to the high prevalence of this pathology. Among modern methods of orthodontic treatment of pathology, the use of bracket systems and aligners is highlighted. The effectiveness of these techniques can be compared in determining the morphometric characteristics obtained by tele-radiography (TEG).
Material and methods. The study involved 118 people with hydraulic fracturing, the average age was 38.7 ± 8.5 years (64 women; 54 men). The first group consisted of 49 patients who underwent correction of AFA with eliners; second, 69 patients with bracket systems. To assess the effectiveness of treatment, TRG was performed. To present the results, in the case of quantitative characteristics, the arithmetic mean of the sample value (X) and the error of the mean (m) were calculated. For qualitative signs, the frequency of the sign (%) and its standard error (m%) were calculated.
Results: The values ​​of the mandibular angle (G, ArGoMe), and the angles AB / ANS (AB / SpP), APg / ANS (MM), as well as the vertical dimensions of the jaws reached values ​​characteristic of an orthognathic bite. Angle increase SNB, NSL / ML4; angle reduction ANB.
Output. Elimination of a deep bite is possible both with the use of bracket systems and aligners.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2020;24(2):95-98
pages 95-98 views

The need for a multidisciplinary approach to the diagnosis and treatment procedures of isolated lesions of the oral mucosa in herpetiform Dühring dermatitis

Ruvinskaya G., Silantieva E., Anokhina A.


The defeat of the oral mucosa in herpetiform Dühring dermatitis is a rare pathology. According to the literature, it is detected in 9.6% — 10% of cases. Granular deposits of immunoglobulin A in the papillae of the dermis in herpetiform Dühring dermatitis are associated with gluten enteropathy, lead to the development of inflammatory processes on the skin and oral mucosa and the appearance of polymorphic itchy rashes and chronic recurrent course of the disease. The article describes a clinical case of a patient diagnosed with herpetiform dermatitis, manifestations in the oral cavity (ICD-10 — L13.0X code). The need for a multidisciplinary approach to the diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and dynamic observation of isolated lesions of the oral mucosa in herpetiform Dühring dermatitis is indicated. A scheme of measures required by a dentist is developed.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2020;24(2):99-103
pages 99-103 views

Oral hygiene in patients with fixed orthodontic appliances

Daurova A., Lapina N., Izhnina E., Kochurova E., Seferyan K., Starchenko T.


Introduction. The theme of a healthy lifestyle remains relevant at the present time. The function of the dentofacial system is an integral and important component of human health in general, is responsible for speech formation, respiration and nutrition. The goal of orthodontic treatment is to preserve the health of one’s own teeth, to establish the correct function of the masticatory apparatus, to create a smile aesthetics, to exclude or facilitate other dental procedures without resorting to more invasive methods of treatment. Orthodontic treatment directly affects the quality of human life, so it is important to understand the need for its timely implementation. A large number of people seek orthodontic care in connection with raising awareness among the population and its availability.
Results. The fast pace of development of dentistry and modern technologies allow us to correct both congenital and acquired defects of the dentition. For the adult population, one of the main means of orthodontic treatment is a fixed orthodontic technique, in the form of a bracket system. The average duration of treatment with this method is 1.5-2 years. But already in the first month, the orthodontist dentist observes the presence of plaque in his patients, which occurs due to insufficient oral hygiene.
Conclusion. Studies have shown that a low level of hygiene entails the growth of carious and periodontopathogenic microflora, as a result of which irreversible changes occur on the surface of the teeth, leading to enamel demineralization and hypersensitivity, the occurrence of gingivitis and periodontitis. These changes, or the risk of their occurrence, force the dentist to prematurely remove orthodontic equipment without achieving the desired result. An analysis of the causes of this problem and the coverage of research results indicate the need to improve the methodology of individual oral hygiene in order to avoid the side effects of orthodontic treatment.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2020;24(2):104-108
pages 104-108 views

Organization of Healthcare Service

Clinical and epidemiological features and medical and social characteristics of victims with injuries to the maxillofacial bones, according to the department of maxillofacial reconstructive plastic surgery of the national hospital of the ministry of health of the Kyrgyz Republic in 2010–2018

Urgunaliev B., Yuldashev I., Rakhmanov A., Shayahmetov D.


Report. The authors studied the medical and social characteristics of victims with facial bone injuries based on archived data over a long period of time. It was found that the majority of patients were socially active, but not working men of young working age with secondary, higher or incomplete higher education. Most of them were permanent residents of rural areas. The most frequent injuries WERE domestic and seasonal (spring — autumn), which was due to an increase in the frequency of street injuries, as well as injuries sustained by rural residents during seasonal agricultural work, as well as an increase in the frequency of road accidents.
Analysis of the system of specialized medical care showed that most of the victims were hospitalized, bypassing the stage of clinical diagnosis and treatment, independently in the form of self-treatment.
A high frequency of delayed treatment and hospitalization of victims in medical institutions was found, which was associated with the remoteness of the place of permanent residence, material problems, inadequate outpatient treatment at the place of residence , as well as diagnostic errors at the pre-hospital stage.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2020;24(2):109-113
pages 109-113 views


Barrier membranes for guided bone regeneration

Kulakov A., Badalyan V., Khamraev T., Kasparov A., Brutyan V.


The aim of this study was to review the possibilities of using the various types of membranes currently available and used in the guided bone regeneration procedure. Literary sources were analyzed, including English-language articles from the pubmed and elibrary information portals. For horizontal defects, it is most preferable to use resorbable membranes with various modifications of surgical techniques, while for vertical defects, the use of wire-frame non-reabsorbable membranes is most acceptable.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2020;24(2):114-118
pages 114-118 views
