Optimization of the quality of life of patients who need palliative care introduction

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People suffering from chronic progressive diseases of non-infectious and infectious nature need palliative care. When a condition with an unfavorable prognosis occurs, an integrated approach is required, which involves patient care in the medical, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects. This assistance is aimed at improving the quality of life of such patients and implemented in Russia as part of the provision of palliative care, which aims to improve the quality of life of not only the patient himself but also his family members. This study aims to examine the impact of legal regulation of palliative care as well as the medical, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects of palliative care on the quality of life and needs of the patients and their families. Using content analysis and documentary observation, the results regarding the impact of legal, medical, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects combined in the provision of palliative care on the quality of life of patients in need were examined. The study revealed gaps in the legal regulation of the provision of palliative care for patients, particularly HIV-infected patients and those with chronic tuberculosis. As part of optimizing the provision of palliative care, creating a vertically integrated information system for palliative care (VIMIS Palliative) is necessary. To improve the professional stability of medical staff groups providing palliative care and preventing suicidal behavior among patients, health care organizers should improve the mechanisms of psychological interaction among all the participants in the palliative care system. Organizational and methodological approaches in administering anesthesia must be improved, and the knowledge of medical workers on the theoretical foundations of the formation of pain syndromes and the modern methodology for analgesic treatment is required. The organization of the state system of the artificial ventilation of the lungs at home is required with the aim of long-term respiratory support for patients in need. Additionally, further research is needed to determine the impact of nutritional support as a supportive therapy on the course of treatment and the results of palliative care, allowing to optimize the quality of life of patients in need. Optimization of the quality of life of incurable patients depends on the level of palliative care to achieve and maintain the maximum of their physical, psychological, social, and spiritual potential. Furthermore, palliative care should meet the following requirements: early-onset, continuity, succession, comprehensive, phased, and individual approach. Despite certain existing common problems in the implementation of palliative care and the difficulties caused by the restructuring of the health care system in the fight against coronavirus infection, the system is functioning and has the necessary resources to ensure the quality of life and alleviate persistent painful symptoms of patients.

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About the authors

Lyudmila A. Ertel

Kuban State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: ela1958@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9260-4914

Doctor of medical sciences, Professor, Professor of criminalistics and legal informatics Department

Russian Federation, Krasnodar


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