Some features of recovery of upper urinary tract urodynamics after surgical treatment of vesicoureteral dysplasia in children

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Urodynamics of the upper urinary tract (UUT) was examined in 327 children aged 1.5 months to 15 years with congenital vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) dysplasia treated surgically. 230 patients were followed up for 1 to 20 years. Staging of chronic disorders of UUT urodynamics is thought to be the key criterion of objective assessment
of VUR effective surgical treatment . The better long-term treatment outcomes are the earlier the disease was diagnosed and corrected. Early defects of urodynamics in the absence of marked dilatation of the ureter are better corrected by Lich-Gregoir operation which is physiological, low traumatic, technically available and most effective (97% of favourable long-term outcomes). Ureterocystoneostomy by Politano-Leadbetter (in modification of the authors) is indicated in urodynamic disorders stage III and marked ureteral dilatation as providing improvement of urodynamics or stabilization in 93.7% patients.


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