Endoscopic and roentgenoendoscopic technologies in urology

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Present-day urology in the Russian Federation combines achievements
of classic surgery with innovations of the last two decades which
radically changed approaches to treatment of many urological diseases.
Wide introduction in clinical practice of low invasive endoscopic
and roentgenoendoscopic (endourologic) techniques is a standard for
urology progress worldwide. N. A. Lopatkin, academician of Russian
Academy of Medical Sciences, contributed much to advances of domestic
urology. He has organized endourological service as a basis of
further technological progress, introduction of low-invasive methods
alternative to traumatic open surgical interventions


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  3. Морозов А. В. Рентгеноинструментальное лечение в урологии: Автореф. дис. ... д-ра мед. наук. М.; 1986.
  4. Мартов А. Г. Рентгеноэндоскопические методы диагностики и лечения заболеваний почек и верхних мочевых путей (суправезикальная эндоурология): Дис. ... д-ра мед. наук. - М.; 1993

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