Pathogenetic mechanisms of infectious-inflammatory and thrombohemorrhagic complications oftransurethral prostatic resection

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The role of hemostatic disorders and alterations in urine proteolytic
activity in pathogenesis of infectious-inflammatory and thrombohemorrhagic
complications of prostatic transurethral resection
(PTR) was studied. Hemostasis and urine proteolytic activity were investigated
with biochemical and coagulological tests in 54 patients
with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) before and after PTR. Significant
hypercoagulation in early postoperative period found in the
examinees promoted formation of inflammation-related contaminated
dense protein products which serve a sourse of permanent reinfection.
The patients had low proteolytic activity of the urine caused
by renal dysfunction as a result of abnormal urodynamics in this disease.
Thus, hemostatic disorders and subnormal proteolytic activity
of the urine are essential factors in pathogenesis of infectious-inflammatory
and thrombohemorrhagic complications of PTR. The conceptual s
cheme of postoperative complications pathogenesis in BPH
patients subjected to PTR is proposed.

About the authors

A V Malyshev

Yu V Vasilyev


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