Viagra, sialis, impase -which of them, to whom, when and how?

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The study has been performed of the efficacy in the treatment of
erectile dysfunction (ED) of oral drugs affecting nitric oxide: impase
and phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors - sildenafil citrate (viagra),
tadalafil (sialis) - alone and in combination with impase. A total
of 218 ED patients aged 21-73 years (mean age 58.1 + 13.2 years) were
divided into 3 groups comparable by the number of the patients, age,
suspected etiology, pathogenesis and ED severity. Group 1 (n = 81)
took viagra in the individually adjusted dose for 6 months; group 2
(n = 64) received sialis in a dose 20 mg for 6 months;


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