Combined therapy of voiding irritative disorders after surgical treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia with Andro-Gin

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The results of operative and rehabilitative treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) was analysed for 69 BPH patients with postoperative irritative disorders of voiding. The patients were divided into four groups by rehabilitative therapy: group 1 received antibacterial therapy; group 2 -antibacterial therapy+alpha-adrenoblockers; group 3 - antibacterial therapy+ transrectal laser and magnetic physiotherapy; group 4 - antibacterial therapy+alpha-adrenoblockers+transrectal laser and magnetic physiotherapy. The worst result was obtained in group 1, the best one - in groups 3 and 4 (the response was compatible). Thus, the addition of physiotherapy to the complex of postoperative rehabilitation of patients operated for BPH is justified and provides treatment improvement.


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