Autotransplantation of the kidney in ureteral injuries

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In 1988-2003 we operated 156 patients with various ureteral lesions. Of them 7 patients (6 males and 1 female, mean age 34-43 years)received kidney transplant (autotransplantation). Ureteral lesions were caused by previous surgery (n = 3), gunshot wound (n = 2), urolithiasis (n = 2). The follow-up results (for 15 period maximum) show that operative outcomes were satisfactory in 6 patients. One transplant was removed 7 days after the transplantation because of purulent pyelonephritis and necrosis of the ureter. The rest patients retain good function of the transplanted kidney and passability of the upper urinary tract. Thus, surgical autotranspiantation of the kidney performed in affected middle and low thirds of the ureter is
an alternative to life-long nephrostomy and nephrectomy and has a good long-term prognosis in relation to function of a transplanted kidney.

About the authors

R Kh Galeev

Sh R Galeev


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