Urogenital tuberculosis: problems of present-day diagnosis and treatment


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The analysis of 4904 cases with tuberculosis admitted to the urological
department of Moscow tuberculosis hospital N 7 in 1996-2002
showed increased incidence of new-onset and recurrent urogenital tuberculosis - the
share has risen from 2.1 to 7.8%. Of 267 new cases,
49.4% had severe destructive forms. The disease manifested with
chronic cystitis in 35 (13.11%), subacute orchoepidydimitis in 35
(13.11%), anatomofunctional alterations of the kidneys (hydronephrotic
transformation, non-functioning kidney, ureteritis, etc.) in 76
(28.46%) patients. Bacterial discharge occurred in 52% of new cases.
The diagnosis was based on clinical and x-ray data in 48%. Isolated
genital tuberculosis, isolated nephrotuberculosis and their combination
were revealed in 14.23, 59.57 and 26.2% patients, respectively. Among
the patients with advanced destructive forms 75% got disabled completely.
This fact indicates the importance of early diagnosis and adequate
etiotropic therapy. Active urogenital tuberculosis was treated surgically
in 51% patients, most of the operations were made for marked
destructive processes in the kidneys. The organ-removing operations
were conducted in 73% of them. Preoperative tuberculostatic therapy
reduced frequency of postoperative complications. In early diagnosis,
the organ was saved in operations in 9.38%. It is recommended to refer
patients to the phthisiourologist to be examined for urogenital tuberculosis
if they have long-standing urogenital infection, destructive lesions
of the upper urinary tracts, calculous prostatitis


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