Correction of blood cir-culation in the prostate in patients with chronic prostatitis associated with urogenital infec-tions


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The aim of the study was to assess the effect of a combined preparation ofVitaprost on blood supply and microcirculation in the prostate gland in 35 patients with chronic infectious urethral prostatitis. The effectiveness of treatment was estimated by a combination of clinical, bacteriological and instrumental diagnostic methods. Transrectal ultrasonography with color Doppler and laser Doppler flowmetry were used to estimate all components of blood circulation in the prostate. Examination results obtained before and after treatment showed better clinical outcomes and improved parameters of blood flow and microcirculation in the prostate in patients receiving Vitapost. These results indicate that combination therapy including Vitaprost is effective in correcting blood flow and microcirculatory disorders of the prostate and can be utilized in the treatment of chronic infectious urethral prostatitis.

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Sobre autores

Ju. Kondrat’eva

SEI HPE «Altai State Medical University»

Ph.D, Head of Department of Dermatolovenerology

A. Nejmark

SEI HPE «Altai State Medical University»

Department of Urology; department of Dermatolovenerology

Ja. Zheltikova

SEI HPE «Altai State Medical University»

Department of Physics and Informatics

E. Subbotin

SEI HPE «Altai State Medical University»


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