Estrogen deficiency and urinary incontinence in menopausal women


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By analyzing relevant domestic and international literature and their own long-standing experience, the authors discuss the problem of urinary incontinence in the context of estrogen deficiency. They outline the conservative management of patients with mild incontinence and recurrent forms after plastic surgery with taking into account the morphological findings of paraurethral tissue.

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Sobre autores

A. Neimark

Altai State Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia; Barnaul Clinical Hospital of JSC «RZD»

Department of Urology and Nephrology

M. Razdorskaya

Altai State Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia; Barnaul Clinical Hospital of JSC «RZD»

Department of Urology and Nephrology

Z. Gadzhieva

Urology Clinic, I.M. Sechenov First MSMU of Minzdrav of Russia



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