Ретроспективный анализ морфологических исследований у больных интерстициальным циститом


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Cystoscopy, hydrobougieurage and biopsy of the urinary bladder were made in 80 female patients with interstitial cystitis (1С) aged 2368 years. Endoscopic changes were estimated by an original scale. The analysis of the endoscopic findings revealed a correlation between duration of the process, cystoscopic picture and histopathological evidence. Clinical and cystoscopic pictures provide significant information on morphological changes in the wall of the urinary bladder depending on the disease stage. Histological study of urinary bladder biopsies in 1С is used rather forexcluding other diseases of the urinary bladder with similar clinical symptoms (primarily cancer and tuberculosis).

Об авторах

Д Ю Пушкарь


Кафедра урологии; МГМСУ

А В Зайцев


Кафедра урологии; МГМСУ

Л В Гундорова


Кафедра урологии; МГМСУ

М В Ковылина


Кафедра урологии; МГМСУ

Список литературы

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