Intestinal plastic surgery on the ureter




Intestinal plastic surgery for ureteral stricture was made in 25 patients (10 unilateral and 15 bilateral strictures). Stricture of the lower third of both ureters was primarily second to operations for colorectal cancer, urinary bladder diverticulesis and scars after radiotherapy. Unilateral strictures resulted from postradiation changes in 9 patients and a shotgun wound of the ureter in 1 patient. Grafts of an isolated segment of the ileum and the vermiform process on the mesentery were transplanted in 22 and 3 patients, respectively. Postoperative intestinal ileus was observed only in one patient who was treated with relaparotomy, intestinal intubation and abdominal drainage. Another patient was reoperated for failure of ureteroappendicoanastomosis. The results of the reoperations were successful. No lethal outcomes were recorded. Upon 0.5-7 year follow-up, all the patients restored normal urodynamics and function of the affected kidney. Thus, use of an isolated segment of the small intestine ensures repair of the defects of one or both the ureters of any location and length. Intestinal repair in extended ureteral lesion is an operation of choice as it reestablishes urine outflow from the kidney, improves its function, relieves symptoms of chronic pyelonephritis and puts away continuous renal and ureteral fistulas.


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