Renal function after cystectomy and intestinal plastic surgery in cancer of the urinary bladder




We studied renal function after intestinal plastic reconstruction of the urinary bladder with an ilial graft in 52 patients with urinary bladder cancer (UBC). We created artificial urinary bladder in 39 patients and urinary reservoir in 13 ones. The control group consisted of 40 patients who had undergone Brikker's operation (n - 13) or ureterocutaneostomy (n = 27). Most information about renal function was obtained with dynamic nephroscintigraphy and color duplex scanning of renal vessels. As shown by 5-year postoperative followup late postoperative condition of the kidneys is determined by the method of urine derivation. Ilial plastic reconstruction of the urinary bladder has a minimal negative effect on renal function while quality of life improves. Ureterocutaneostomy deteriorates renal function, the same in Brikker's operation but in a lesser degree. Thus, ilial plastic repair of the urinary bladder is a method of choice in the treatment of patients with invasive cancer of the urinary bladder.


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