A phytogenic drug kanefron® H in patients with chronic cystitis and urolithiasis




To evaluate efficacy of kanefron Hs (KH) in combined therapy of chronic cystitis and urolithiasis (after extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy-ESWL), we examined 48 women suffering from chronic cystitis. The patients were divided into two groups by the presence of pyuria: 20 patients of group 1 had pyuria, 28 patients of group 2 had no pyuria. Each group was subdivided into two groups in relation to KH. Subgroup la received phosphomycin as monotherapy, subgroup lb - phosphomycin with KH (2 pellets 3 times a day for 30 days). Subgroup 2a was initially treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, local medication physiotherapy, circulation improving drugs for 10 days. Then the patients were followed up for a months without any treatment. Subgroup 2b received the same initial course but it was followed for 30 days with KH. 79 patients with urolithiasis (uroliths and ureteroliths) have undergone ESWL. 45 entered KH group (2 pellets 3 times a day), 34 - the control group (spasmolytic and anti-inflammatory therapy). KH in combined treatment of chronic cystitis raises efficacy of the initial therapy (antibacterial or combined, made in the absence of pyuria), promotes achievement of longer disease remission, elimination of concrement fragments from the urinary tract. Long-term administration of KH induce no side effects. Thus, KH can be recommended in chronic cystitis and urolithiasis in patients exposed to ESWL as an effective and safe drug.


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