Laboratory diagnosis of urinary tract injuries



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In 238 patients with various surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity, concentration of creatinine in serum and peritoneal cavity exudate was evaluated. In the most cases, no significant differences in creatinine levels were found in these biological fluids, that allowed to recommend to use creatinine level in the exudate, flowing along drainages, as a parameter for dynamic control of nitrogen-excretion renal function. Significant difference in the serum creatinine level and exudate creatinine level was found in cases of injury of organs of urinary system and the penetration of urine into the peritoneal cavity. In these cases (n=16), creatinine level in the abdominal exudates exceeded the serum level (p <0,01), that allowed to provide a new method for diagnosis of lesions of the urinary tract.




N. Zubareva

D. Sosnin



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