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The article presents the description of the clinical observation of the patient 28 years old with multiple granulomatous eruptions on the skin of the scrotum, accompanied by itching and pain when walking. Surgical treatment consisted of excising the skin of the scrotum and substitution dermatoplasty was performed. Fox - Fordyce disease was confirmed by histological examination of tissue removed: advanced cystic sebaceous gland duct with calcifications in its lumen was revealed. The were no relapses duringt follow-up of 15 months.




V. Dutov

SBHCI MR «Moscow Regional Scientific Research Clinical Institute n.a. M.F. Vladimirsky»

MD, Prof., Head of Department DIF Moscow

D. Romanov

SBHCI MR «Moscow Regional Scientific Research Clinical Institute n.a. M.F. Vladimirsky»



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