Treatment of erectile dysfunction following transvesical prostatectomy



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This study examines the efficacy and safety of phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE-5) inhibitors in treating erectile dysfunction after transvesical prostatectomy. The study involved 63 men aged 55 to 68 years, divided into two groups - 29 and 34 patients, respectively. Patients in group 1 received 50 mg of sildenafil citrate (Ereksezil®) on a daily basis, in group 2 - 100 mg of sildenafil citrate (Ereksezil®) on demand. Postoperative visits were scheduled at the stage of screening, then after a month of treatment and on day 14 after treatment completion (3 visits altogether). Changes of patients' complaints according to IIEF-15 questionnaire showed a significant improvement in erectile function and its components of sexual life satisfaction in both groups of patients, but more significantly with regular medication intake, which has a positive impact on patients' quality of life. At the same time, treatment by PDE-5 inhibitors did not affect the maximum urinary flow rate and residual urine volume. Given the high incidence of the postoperative erectile dysfunction, postoperative administration of PDE-5 inhibitors is relevant and promising.


P Motin

City Hospital № 29

City Hospital № 29

M Andrjuhin



S Pulbere

City Hospital № 29

City Hospital № 29

O Alekseev

City Hospital № 29

City Hospital № 29

N Agaev

City Hospital № 29

City Hospital № 29


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