Uncomplicated female urinary tract infections - comprehensive therapy



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Urinary tract infections are among the most common infectious diseases. Due to high recurrence rates and the increasing resistance of uropathogens to antibacterial drugs, phytotherapyhas become animportant treatment option in modern urology. Phytotherapeutic medications are characterized by a wide spectrum of pharmacological action, efficacy, and low toxicity, thus allowing for a long term use for treating and preventing many chronic diseases without the risk of adverse effects. Medicinal plants that make up Phytolysin nefroCAPS contain substances that have a wide direct or indirect antimicrobial effect. Plant components of Phytolysin nefroCAPS also have anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. The combination of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect is especially beneficial for the treatment of uncomplicated UTIs. In patients with chronic recurrent cystitis, co-administration of the plant based medication Phytolysin nefroCAPS and an antibacterial drug is more effective than antibacterial therapy alone. Using Phytolysin nefroCAPS, as a part of the comprehensive management of urinary tract infections, can increase the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy, while reducing the treatment duration and the incidence of adverse effects.




E. Pronkin

V.M. Buyanov CCH, Moscow HD

Email: dr.pronkin@gmaiI.com
Ph.D., Department of Urology


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