Cluster analysis of the main parameters of homeostasis with kidney injury



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Introduction. Damage to the structure of the kidney in blunt trauma leads to disruption of angioarchitectonics and microcirculation. Objective: to establish the dependence of renal function and circulatory system on the severity of injury and the type of blunt renal trauma. Materials and Methods. The clinical and laboratory homeostasis tests were carried out in 127 patients with the kidney parenchyma contusion and ruptures in the nearest posttraumatic period. Results. Five factors and five clusters of signs were revealed. Tissue level reactions predominate in case of contusion injury of less than half of the organ. Trauma of more than half of the kidney and parenchyma rupture involve the circulatory system in the response reaction. Conclusion: the volume/area and type of damage are predictors in the level of the functional response of the organism - organ or organismal.




K. Chiglintsev

Medical diagnostics center «Raduga»

Ph.D., Chief physician Chelyabinsk, Russia

A. Zyryanov

Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education, Yekaterinburg State Medical University

Dr.Med.Sci., Head of the department of urology Yekaterinburg, Russia

A. Chiglintsev

Medical diagnostics center «Raduga»

Dr.Med.Sci., deputy chief physician Chelyabinsk, Russia


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