Surgical treatment of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease



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The significance of the problem of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), one of the most common hereditary diseases, is due to the specific features ofits course, simultaneous damage to several organs, the lack of etiotropic treatment, and rapid progression into chronic kidney disease. The only effective treatment for patients with ADPKD at the stage of end-stage chronic renal failure is chronic hemodialysis and kidney transplantation. The role of nephrectomy during the preparation for kidney transplantation in patients with ADPKD is an important and controversial issue. On the one hand, the large size of the kidneys, technical difficulties during dissection, and the invasiveness of the procedure results in a high incidence of complications during and after nephrectomy (3540%) in this population. On the other hand, immunosuppressive therapy in the early and late periods after transplantation puts patients with ADPKD on an extremely high risk of septic complications if own kidneys are preserved. According to the world literature, the use of laparoscopic techniques has significantly reduced the incidence of complications of nephrectomy in patients with ADPKD (up to 9.5%).




T. Biktimirov

Federal Clinical Center for HMT

researcher Khimki, md. Krasnogorsk, Russia

A. Martov

A.I. Burnazyan SRC FMBC, FMBA of Russia

Ph.D., MD, professor, Head ofthe Department of Urology and Andrology Moscow, Russia

R. Biktimirov

Federal Clinical Center for HMT; A.I. Burnazyan SRC FMBC, FMBA of Russia; O.K. Skobelkin State Scientific Center of Laser Medicine

Ph.D., Head of the Department of Urology Khimki, md. Krasnogorsk, Russia

A. Baranov

O.K. Skobelkin State Scientific Center of Laser Medicine

Ph.D., MD, director Moscow, Russia

I. Miloserdov

FGBU FSBI “Academician V.I.Shumakov Federal Research Center of Transplantology and Artificial Organs”, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Ph.D., Deputy Director Moscow, Russia

A. Kaputovskij

A.I. Burnazyan SRC FMBC, FMBA of Russia

Ph.D. student at the Department of Urology and Andrology Moscow, Russia

A. Khitrikh

A.I. Burnazyan SRC FMBC, FMBA of Russia

urologist Moscow, Russia


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