Efficacy of Uronext in chronic recurrent bacterial-viral cystitis with multiple resistance to antibacterial drugs



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Chronic recurrent cystitis (CRC) is one of the most common diseases of the lower urinary tract in the female population. Difficulties in diagnosis and treatment, despite the observance of modern clinical recommendations for CRC, are due to the versatility and polyetiology of the pathogenesis of the disease. The most difficult and discussed section of this problem is the diagnosis and treatment of CRC of papillomavirus (PV) etiology. The article presents its own clinical observation - Diagnosis and treatment of a patient with CRC PV etiology. CRC, in addition to bacterial uropathogens, can be caused by various representatives of a viral infection. Among all viral pathogens, HPV has the widest pathogenic potential. Currently, there is no single etiotropic therapy for PVI of the urinary tract and reproductive organs; there is no systemic treatment of patients with HPV-associated lesions, including the bladder. Nevertheless, an important principle of therapy, which has already become an axiom, is applied - an integrated approach that includes anti-inflammatory,antiadhesive, antiviral and immunoactive therapy




Kh. Ibishev

Rostov State Medical University

Email: ibishev22@mail.ru
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Urology and Human Reproductive Health (with a course of pediatric urology and andrology)

Z. Gadzhieva

Sechenov First Moscow State Medical Univesity (Sechenov University)

Email: zgadzhieva@ooorou.ru
MD, Head of the Department for the Analysis of Personnel Policy, Educational Programs and Scientific Research of the National Medical Research Center on the profile «Urology»

V. Mamedov

Rostov State Medical University

Email: mamedov1007@yandex.ru
M.D., Urologist, Postgraduate student of the Department of Urology and Human Reproductive Health (with a course of pediatric urology and andrology)


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