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编号 4 (2004)


Conservative surgery - a basic principle of childhood urology

Pugachev A.


Dysfunction of the solitary kidney was established in 58 patients after the contralateral kidney removal in childhood. The tests were made at senior school age, at adolescence, at adult age. The disorders in the renal function were more severe in pathological processes in the solitary kidney, chronic pyelonephritis, nephron dysplasia, etc. In 49 children the kidney was preserved even in functional failure 70-90%. These patients had less evident renal failure. Basing on this evidence and other arguments, the authors recommend to limit indications for nephrectomy in children.
Urologiia. 2004;(4):3-5
pages 3-5 views

Application of principles of evidence-based medicine in cancer of the urinary bladder

Apolikhin О., Chernyshev I.


Meta-analysis has been made to answer the question whether a proven advantage exists of chemotherapy of locally advanced and metastatic cancer of the urinary bladder (UB) with gemcitabine+cisplatin over the scheme M-VAC. The data for 1990-2002 obtained from the data base Medline, library of Cocrane Association, proceedings of the symposia and conferences, publications in domestic periodicals Urologiya, Voprosy Onkologii covered 3477 items on UB cancer.Nine publications were selected which seem to use significant information in terms of evidence-based medicine. The patients were divided into two groups. Group 1 consisted of patients with local and metastatic UB cancer treated with the combination gemcitabine+cisplatin (n = 390). Group 2 patients (n = 499) received chemotherapy with M-VAC. By principles of evidence-based medicine, group 1 patients had more frequent unfavourable outcomes (absence of complete and partial regressions) - 50 and 42%, respectively. A decrease in the absolute risk is significant (p < 0.05, chisquare = 5.8). It is 8% in the confidence interval (CI) 4,12. A decrease in the relative risk was 19% (CI 13.7-24.3), odds ratio 1.39 in CI 1.3-1.48. Thus, at present there are no reliable data on advantages of local and metastatic UB cancer treatment with the scheme gemcitabine-cysplatin over standard treatment M-VAC
Urologiia. 2004;(4):5-12
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Surgical treatment of epithelial tumors of the upperurinary tracts

Komyakov B., Idrisov S., Novikov A., Guliev B., El Attar Т.


The authors present the results of different operative treatments of tumors of the upper urinary tracts (UUT). A total of 116 patients with UUT tumors were examined and treated from 1990 to 2002 (age 19-80 years, mean age 61.3± 1.3 years; males 82, females 34). Tumors of the renal pelvis and the ureter were detected in 76 (65.5%) and 40 (34.5%) patients, respectively (8.0 and 4.3% of a total number of patients with tumors of the kidneys and UUT). 107 (92.2%) patients were operated. Nephroureterectomy and ureterectomy with resection of the urinary bladder were performed in 73 (68.2%) patients, TUR of the urinary bladder wall, ureteral ostium with pelvic part of the ureter and nephroureterectomy (including endovideosurgery) - in 22 (20.6%), nephroureterocystectomy - in 4 (3.7%), resection of the pelvic ureter with Boari's operation - in 5 (4.7%), nephroscopy, ureteroscopy with removal of urothelial tumor - in 3 (2.8%) patients. Postoperative complications (most of them infectious-inflammatory) developed in 10 (9.3%) patients. Lethality was 0.9%. Tumor recurrences occurred in 27 (25.2%) patients within 5-year follow-up. 15 (14.0%) patients were reoperated. 5-year survival reached 67.0%. Conventional and radical method of treating patients with tumors of the renal pelvis and ureter is nephroureterectomy with urinary bladder resection and its modification. In invasion of the tumor in the muscular layer of the bladder wall surgery should be extended and supplemented with cystectomy. Conservative surgical interventions are indicated in tumors of the sole kidney, bilateral process, benign or surface tumor of the urothelium.
Urologiia. 2004;(4):12-15
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Regional metastases of penile cancer: optimal treatment policy

Matveev B., Matveev V., Khalafian E., Volkova M., Gurary L.


Emergence of regional penile cancer (PC) metastases reduces late survival of PC patients from 94.4 to 83.9%. PC stage can hardly be diagnosed by clinical data significantly. Bilateral inguinal lymphadenectomy is indicated for all PC patients with enlarged and clinically negative regional lymph nodes in poorly differentiated primary tumor (G3) and stages T2-3. Follow-up can be recommended for patients with stage Tis-Tl, low and moderate anaplasia (Gl-2) of the primary tumor. Metastases to the iliac lymph nodes are an indication to pelvic lymphadenectomy. Preventive removal of the iliac lymph nodes in intact inguinal ones is not justified. Unremovable fixed regional lymph nodes should be exposed to radiotherapy.
Urologiia. 2004;(4):19-23
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A direct uretero-enteroanastomosis: a return to the past?

Morozov A., Pavlenko K.


The authors analyse their experience with ureter implantations into a small intestinal retaining reservoir - both direct and antireflux. From 1994 to 2004 orthotopic replacement of the urinary bladder (UB) with an ileal segment was performed in 62 patients (59 males, 3 females) for UB cancer (n = 55), microcystis (posttraumatic, radiation-induced, tuberculous)(n = 7). Orthotopic replacement of the UB was made according to VIP (vesica ileale Padovano) technique with creation of antireflux uretero-enteroanastomoses by Le Due (group 1, 43 patients, 82 anastomoses) and Hautmann technique in modification of Lippert-Theodorescu (group 2, 14 patients, 28 direct uretero-enteroanastomoses). A direct uretero-enteroanastomosis was performed by Nesbit and Bricker technique. Five patients were withdrawn from the final analysis: 3 of them died early after the surgery because of complications, 2 patients died due to progression within 3 and 4 months after the operation. A total length of the ileac segment used for UB repair in both groups was 60 cm. Upper urinary tracts (UUT) and kidneys after the operation were assessed by the results of ultrasonic investigation of the caliceropelvic system, kidneys, UB, residual urine, serum creatinine, excretory urography, spiral CT (on demand), etc., after recovery of miction (3-4 weeks after operation), 3 and 6 (-(-cystography) after the operation, 12 months after the operation and annually. Comparison of the results of direct and antireflux anastomoses suggests a conclusion that a high rate of strictures due to antireflux anastomoses provoking UUT and renal dysfunction makes their benefit doubtful. Antireflux bypass ureteral surgery with neocystis of low pressure seems unjustified. In creation of capable uroreservoir of low pressure a direct implantation of the ureter into it is simple to do and less risky in respect to development of anastomotic stricture and damage to the renal function
Urologiia. 2004;(4):23-27
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New fluoroquinolones in urology

Derevyanko I., Nefedova L.
Urologiia. 2004;(4):27-32
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Dopplerographic assessment oftherapeutic efficacy of incoherent quantum irradiation in combinedtherapy of acute pyelonephritis

Avdoshin V., Andryukhin M., Popov A., Seifullaev R., Zaitseva I., Shirshov V.


The authors present a comparative estimation of therapeutic efficiency of conventional antibacterial therapy, coherent and incoherent impulse quantum irradiation at a constant magnetic field in combined therapy of 130 patients with acute pyelonephritis. Incoherent impulsive quantum irradiation at a constant magnetic field showed high clinical efficacy manifesting in early normalization of microcirculation of the affected kidney
Urologiia. 2004;(4):32-34
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Male genitaltuberculosis in West Siberia

Kulchavenya E., Khomyakov V., Zhukova I.


Clinical picture and structure of male genital tuberculosis were analyzed basing on case histories of Novosibirsk regional tuberculous hospital (outpatient department): 42 patients with tuberculous epidydymitis and 58 patients with prostatic tuberculosis. Efficiency of com- bined etiopathogenetic treatment was estimated in 91 patients admitted to the Urogenital clinic of Novosibirsk Research Institute of Tuberculosis. These patients received polychemotherapy alone (control group) or in combination with laser therapy (study group). Combination of polychemotherapy with laser radiation proved more effective than polychemotherapy alone
Urologiia. 2004;(4):34-37
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Prostatic calculi: diagnostic and therapeutic aspects

Gazamatov A., Neimark A., Polyakov V., Titarenko N.


Strength properties of prostatic calculi (PC) were studied by microhardness HV. Fifteen calculi under study were divided into 3 groups by the size: 2-3 mm (group 1), 4-6 mm (group 2), > 6 mm (group 3). The surface of the thin sections of the calculi appeared as concentric, spherical layers of different size indicating formation of the calculus from the center. In the latter one could see a pigmented nucleus of organic nature. Some calculi had two nuclei under one cover - attached calculi. Correlations between the structure, morphology of prostatic calculi and their strength properties were established. These correlations allowed one to characterize destruction features of the calculi in different destructing impacts. We have designed and introduced into practice a complex of local physiotherapy in prostatolithiasis. This physiotherapy was conducted in combination with medicines for chronic prostatitis and included exposure of the prostate to ultrasound in impulse regime (4 mc, 0.4-1.0 W/cm2). The ultrasound was delivered through the rectum (insertion of the setting IUT 2.264-7-2.09u to the site of the concrements location) and alternated with laser therapy (insertion of the radiator P-2 into the rectum and radiator LOl to the perineal area (5 W, 80 Hz, 64-128 s) and introduction of sulfide mud heated with the device PPK-01 Pra, electrostimulation for better passage of the prostatic section. The above therapy destructed the concrements which eliminated from the prostatic ducts as a result of which prostatic function recovered. The complex produced a good effect: 65% patients stated enhancement of the erectile function after 3 days of the treatment. After 5-6 procedures pain syndrome relieved in 40% patients, after 11-15 procedures - in 87%. Ultrasonic investigation showed that posttreatment size of the prostate diminished from 0.8 to 0.2 cm. The absence of the calcinates's shadows were recorded in 87% patients, the symptoms of chronic prostatitis disappeared. The results of the combined physiotherapy demonstrate efficacy of the above method in true prostatoliths.
Urologiia. 2004;(4):37-41
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Famcyclovir in the treatment of family herpes

Knyazkin I., Zezyulin P., Smorchkov A., Filippov S., Voskresensky D.
Urologiia. 2004;(4):41-44
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Botulinictoxin in patients with neurogenic dysfunction of the lower urinarytracts

Mazo E., Krivoborodov G., Shkolnikov M.


Botulinic toxin (ВТ) is a new method of lowering intraurethral pressure in symptoms of obstructive voiding in patients with neurogenic dysfunction of the lower urinary tracts (LUT). Transperineal introduction of 100 units of ВТ type A (botox, Allergan) was used under electromyographic control into the external urethral sphincter of 9 patients (6 males and 3 females) with LUT neurogenic dysfunction aged 17 to 68 years (mean age 37.2 years). Two patients had subnormal detrusor contractility due to myelodysplasia and diabetic polyneuropathy, two other patients -non-incontinent striated urethral sphincter after hemorrhagic stroke and spinal contusion, five patients suffered from detrusor-sphincteral dyssynergia (DSD) resultant from Schmorl's hernia, multiple sclerosis, Charcot-Marie disease and ischemic stroke of the spinal cord. Three patients had cystostomic drainage. The rest of the patients complained of dysuria, three patients performed self-cathetarization, mean volume of the residual urine was 170 ml (180-240 ml). In 10 days residual urine was not found in 2 patients with subnormal detrusor contractility and in 4 patients with DSD. Abdominal pressure fell from 75 to 39 cm, on the average. In DSD patients maximal detrusor pressure fell from 59 to 29 cm, on the average. Mean maximal urinary flow rate rose from 4.3 to 9.6 ml/s. In 20 days, on the average, suprapubic fistula healed in all the patients. In a month, therapeutic effect persisted in all the patients. Complications, side effects were not registered. ВТ treatment to induce adequate urine evacuation in neurological patients is a promising approach in neurourology. Further studies should find answers to questions about regimen of ВТ introduction, loss of sensitivity, new indications in urology.
Urologiia. 2004;(4):44-48
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Tamsulosin in the treatment of detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia of the urinarybladder in patients with multiple sclerosis

Stankovich E., Borisov V., Demina T.


Urination disorders occur in 80% patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Most common of them is detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia (DSD). Alphal-adrenoblockers can relax the neck of the urinary bladder (UB) and urethral sphincters, thus eliminating dynamic obstruction, reducing resistance to urine flow and facilitating voiding. Our study assessed feasibility of using a selective alpha lA/D-adrenoblocker tamsulosin in MS-associated DSD. The choice of this alphaadrenoblocker was based on its high safety profile in relation to cardiovascular system. The trial enrolled 28 patients (20 females and 8 males) with verified diagnosis of DSD. They were given tamsulosin (omnik) in a dose 0.4 mg/day (1 capsule) for 2 months. To the end of the trial quality of life raised in 96% patients. Occurrence of pollakiuria, number of imperative micturate urges diminished, the IPSS score decreased by 54%, QL index improved by 58%. There was also a decrease in the volume of the residual urine, amplitude of involuntary detrusor contractions, an increase in maximal volumic speed of urine flow, cystometric volume of the UB, mean urine volume in urination. Side effects were not registered. Thus, tamsulosin has a positive effect in voiding disorders in the presence of DSD associated with MS. This considerably improves quality of life of MS patients.
Urologiia. 2004;(4):48-51
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Viagra effects on polysystemic energy metabolism in stress (an experimental study)

Vishnevsky E., Sukhorukov V., Pushkar D., Shabelnikova E., Vishnevsky A., Koval A.


Experiments on 40 white rats were made to study effects of cardura (doxasozine) and viagra on polysystemic energy metabolism in stress. All the animals were examined for cytochemical activity ofsuccinate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase in blood lymphocytes, antioxidant activity of blood plasm, levels of hydroperoxides, malonic dialdehyde. 3-hour immobilization raises functional activity of mitochondria manifesting with intensification of energy metabolism. Adrenoreceptors blockade by Cardura prevents changes in the ceUular metabolism. The same antistress effect is observed in viagra action. This newly discovered mechanism may prevent complications of adrenergic reactions accompanying sexual intercourse..
Urologiia. 2004;(4):51-55
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Surgical treatment of vesico-ureteral reflux incomplete doubling of the ureters

Chumakov P.


Eleven patients aged 1 to 12 years were examined after operation of creation of intravesical ureter fissus (IVUF) from urinary bladder mucosa. The IVUF acts as a valve preventing vesico-ureteral reflux (VUR) in complete doubling of the ureters. One of the patients has undergone one-stage antireflux operation on double ureters on the right and triple ureters on the left. The operations were performed in VUR of the third-fourth degrees. Examination of the patients included excretory urography, ultrasonic investigation of the kidneys and urinary bladder, cystography, cystoscopy. Stenosis of the artificial ureteral ostium was not observed. The kidney functioned in all the patients. Urine retention, VUR were absent. This technique does not destruct natural ureterovesical anastomosis, helps reestablish an adequate valvular mechanism irrespective of ureteral dilatation
Urologiia. 2004;(4):55-58
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Comparison of rotoresection and transurethral resection in the treatment of benign prostatichyperplasia

Kan Y., Kirillov S., Tedeev V.


Comparison of duration, blood loss and efficacy of TUR and rotoresection in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia has demonstrated that rotoresection allows almost bloodless and effective transurethral removal of prostatic hyperplastic tissue and, therefore, is a promising alternative to routine TUR of the prostate.
Urologiia. 2004;(4):58-61
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Cure of a patient with prostatic leiomyosarcoma withradiotherapy

Pavlov A., Kostromina K., Simakina E., Stolbovoy A., Frank G.
Urologiia. 2004;(4):61-63
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Affection of urogenital organs in Wegener's syndrome

Tarasov N., Bavilsky V., Suvorov A., Lesnykh A.
Urologiia. 2004;(4):63-65
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Flap urethroplasty

Kamalov A., Kirpatovsky V., Adamyan R., Verzin A., Fedyakov R.
Urologiia. 2004;(4):65-71
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