Technological development potential of the petrochemical complex





In this study, the potential for technological development of enterprises in the petrochemical complex is considered. The main production assets of the enterprises of the petrochemical complex were considered as the main object. The purpose of this article is to establish the relationship that the main production assets are the basis for the technological development of the petrochemical complex. The main problems of using fixed production assets are presented. Based on the problems considered, the key directions for increasing the efficiency of using the fixed production assets of petrochemical enterprises are presented. The dynamics of the availability of fixed assets at the full book value and at the book value of commercial enterprises for three years - 2019-2021 is analyzed. The degree of depreciation of fixed assets of commercial organizations was also analyzed for the period from 2019 to 2021. It is noted in connection with which the depreciation of fixed assets was observed and why it decreased. The coefficient of renewal of fixed assets was considered both for the Russian Federation as a whole and for the manufacturing industry in comparable prices. As a result, it was concluded that the fixed production assets of enterprises are their integral part, the main source of income, and the competitiveness of enterprises in the petrochemical complex depends on the fixed production assets.


Dmitry Flaks

Kazan National Research Technological University


Senior Lecturer of the departments of automation and control systems of technical processes

俄罗斯联邦, Kazan


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