Optimization of spare parts supply system for production divisions of airport network





The problem of optimal design of the spare parts supply system for the baggage handling systems of a group of airports is solved. It is assumed that the airports belonging to the group will be equipped with baggage systems of one manufacturer, which will supply them with spare parts during the operational phase. One of the airports will function as a passenger transfer center (hub) for a hub-forming airline, which will organize mass transfer flights between the airports of the group. The proposed system will consist of a tiered system for spare parts supply, including warehouses at the manufacturer's, hub airport and other (peripheral) airports, and a combined strategy of spare parts supplies, including periodic supplies from the manufacturer's warehouse to the warehouses of airports, on-line supplies from the hub warehouse to the warehouses of peripheral airports, and, in case of deficit, on-line supplies to the hub airport's warehouse. The aim of the solution of the problem is to determine the volume of spare parts production which is optimal by the criterion of minimum costs of production, storage and stock replenishment. The results of model examples, testifying to the validity of the considered statement of the problem and efficiency of the proposed system of spare parts supply, are presented.


Vladimir Romanenko

Samara National Research University

Email: vla_rom@mail.ru

Candidate of Science (Engineering), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Transportation Management and Control

俄罗斯联邦, Samara

Ivan Koltsov

Samara National Research University

Email: koltsov.iv@ssau.ru

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Transportation Management and Control

俄罗斯联邦, Samara


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版权所有 © Romanenko V.A., Koltsov I.V., 2023
