Air channel cooling of one-turn inductor for electromagnetic metal forming





This paper evaluates the efficiency of cooling a coil, fitted with an internal channel, for a one-turn inductor for electromagnetic metal forming, using a low-temperature air from a vortex tube, with and without an ejector. The experiment data shows that at constant pressure on the vortex tube entrance the highest cooling efficiency and intensity are reached at values β>1, where β is an ejector diaphragm to nozzle section area relation. The results show that air channel cooling of a coil for a one-turn inductor using air from vortex tube has considerably high efficiency and high safety parameters.


Vladimir Samokhvalov

Samara National Research University


Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Department of Aircraft Production and Quality Control in Mechanical Engineering

俄罗斯联邦, Samara

Dmitrii Chernikov

Samara National Research University


Candidate Degree in Engineering, Associate Professor of Department of Metal Forming, Head of Laboratory of Advanced Technological Processes of Plastic Deformation (SRL-41) of Samara University

俄罗斯联邦, Samara

Rinat Yusupov

Samara National Research University


Researcher of Laboratory of Advanced Technological Processes of Plastic Deformation (SRL-41) of Samara University

俄罗斯联邦, Samara


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版权所有 © Samokhvalov V.N., Chernikov D.G., Yusupov R.Y., 2023
