On a homogenous thermoconvection model of the non-compressible viscoelastic kelvin-voight fluid of the non-zero order

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The homogeneous thermoconvection problem of the non-compressible viscoelastic Kelvin-Voight fluid of the non-zero order is considered. The conducted research is based on the results of the semilinear Sobolev type equations theory, because the first initial value problem for the corresponding system of the differential equations in private derivatives is reduced to the abstract Cauchy problem for the specified equation. The concepts of the p-sectorial operator and the resolving semigroup of operators of the Cauchy problem for the corresponding linear homogeneous Sobolev type equation are used. The existence and uniqueness theorem of the solution which is a quasi-stationary semi-trajectory is proved. The complete description of the phase space is obtained.

About the authors

Tamara G Sukacheva

Novgorod State University

Email: tamara.sukacheva@novsu.ru
(д.ф.-м.н., доц.), профессор, каф. математического анализа; Новгородский государственный университет им. Ярослава; Novgorod State University

Olga P Matveeva

Novgorod State University

Email: oltan.720@mail.ru
старший преподаватель, каф. математического анализа; Новгородский государственный университет им. Ярослава; Novgorod State University


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