The estimation of linear regression is based on the generalized least modules method

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The generalized least modules method is shown in this paper. It can be applied to find estimations of parameters of the linear regression model that is based on experimental data. The theorems of existence and finding of solution are proved. The consistency of estimator is proved as well. The results of investigation of regression parameters are demonstrated here. Monte-Carlo method was used for this investigation.

About the authors

Alexandr N Tyrsin

Reliability and Resource of Large Machine and Systems, Science and Engineering Center, Ural Branch of RAS

(д.т.н), ведущий научный сотрудник; Научно-инженерный центр «Надёжность и ресурс больших систем машин» УрО РАН; Reliability and Resource of Large Machine and Systems, Science and Engineering Center, Ural Branch of RAS

Lev A Sokolov

Chelyabinsk State University

аспирант, каф. теории управления и оптимизации; Челябинский государственный университет; Chelyabinsk State University


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