About one method of obtaining of the exact analytical decision of the hyperbolic equation of heat conductivity on the basis of use of orthogonal methods

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On the basis of use of a method of division of variables and an orthogonal method of Bubnov-Galyorkin the exact analytical decision of the hyperbolic equation of heat conductivity for an infinite plate under boundary conditions of the first sort is obtained. It is shown that having warmed up (or cooled) a body it is defined by movement of front of a shock thermal wave on which there is a breakage temperature curve (temperature jump). The front of a thermal wave divides investigated area on two subareas - revolted where the temperature changes from wall temperature (a boundary condition of the first sort) to the temperature at the front waves and not revolted where the temperature is equal to reference temperature.

About the authors

Vasily A Kudinov

Samara State Technical University

Email: kud-samgtu@yandex.ru
(д.ф.-м.н., профессор), зав. кафедрой, каф. теоретических основ теплотехники и гидромеханики; Самарский государственный технический университет; Samara State Technical University

Igor V Kudinov

Samara State Technical University

аспирант, каф. прикладной математики и информатики; Самарский государственный технический университет; Samara State Technical University


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Copyright (c) 1970 Samara State Technical University

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