Simulation of fractal surface of films formed by polymerization in gas discharge

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The paper describes a technique for modeling the structure of surfaces of polymers synthesized by plasma vapor deposition (polymerization). The method is realized by using computer technology and allows to simulate geometry of the surfaces for a given initial distribution of structural elements and to calculate the fractal dimension of the model. The fractal characteristics of surfaces of polymers experimentally synthesized in the discharge of fluorine and silicone monomers are found.

About the authors

Alexander A Safonov

Samara State Technical University

инженер, каф. общей физики и физики нефтегазового производства; Самарский государственный технический университет; Samara State Technical University

Alexander M Shterenberg

Samara State Technical University

(д.ф.-м.н., профессор), зав. кафедрой, каф. общей физики и физики нефтегазового производства; Самарский государственный технический университет; Samara State Technical University


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