High volatile markets analysis with using berg method and Chebyshev type ii filters, and statistical modeling of the risk of loss for its tools

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We describe the method of technical analysis of highly volatile markets in the framework of signal processing theory, which uses Chebyshev filter. Berg method is used to estimate spectral density of the signal power. The algorithm of optimal AR-model order calculation is given. The method for profit rate estimation based on artificial noise generation, preserving its structure, is developed.

About the authors

Andrey P Kotenko

Samara State Technical University

Email: ako1959@mail.ru
(к.ф.-м.н., доц.), доцент, каф. прикладной математики и информатики; Самарский государственный технический университет; Samara State Technical University

Maxim B Bukarenko

Samara State Technical University

Email: maxim.bukarenko@gmail.com
аспирант, каф. прикладной математики и информатики; Самарский государственный технический университет; Samara State Technical University


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