The Faddeev equation and location of the essential spectrum of a three-particle model operator

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In this paper a model operator H associated to a system of three-particles on a lattice is considered. The location of the essential spectrum of H is described by the spectrum of channel operators. The Faddeev type equation for the eigenvectors of H is obtained.

About the authors

Tulkin Kh Rasulov

Bukhara State University, Physics and Mathematics Faculty

(к.ф.-м.н., доц.), доцент, каф. алгебры и анализа1 ; докторант, математический институт2; Бухарский государственный университет, физико-математический факультет; Bukhara State University, Physics and Mathematics Faculty

Askar A Rakhmonov

University of Bern, Faculty of Science

студент; Университет Берна, философско-научный факультет; University of Bern, Faculty of Science


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