On the compatibility of the corpuscular and wave properties of a particle in the two-slit experiment

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A new quantum-mechanical model of the two-slit experiment is presented, in which the wave properties of a particle are compatible with its corpuscular ones. The model is based on the idea which also underlies our previous model of a one-dimensional completed scattering. Its essence is that quantum processes, in which the systems state represents a coherent superposition of microscopically distinct substates (CSMDS), must be considered as complex random processes consisting of alternative subprocesses. Only with a new approach to CSMDSs quantum theory admits a consistent statistical interpretation and becomes free from the paradoxes associated at present with CSMDSs.

About the authors

Nikolay L Chuprikov

Tomsk State Pedagogical University

Email: chnl@tspu.edu.ru
(д.ф.-м.н., доц.), доцент, каф. теоретической физики; Томский государственный педагогический университет; Tomsk State Pedagogical University


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