Mathematical modelling of processes occuring in power cylinders of hydraulic press while it's decompression

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The main ways of decompression used in modern control systems and mathematical modelling of processes occuring in power cylinders under hydraulic press during its decompression are considered. Mechanism of fluid column oscillations in power cylinders is described. Oscillating effects in power cylinders while decompression is analyzed, its mathematical description is given. By means of numerical analysis on the basis of hydraulic forging press with active force of 60 MN peculiarities of typical process of power-cylinders decompression are shown. Practical recommendations concerning different decompressing valves using and its influence on maintenance properties of presses are given.

About the authors

Elena S Korchak

Donbass State Engineering Academy

(к.т.н.), старший преподаватель, каф. машин и технологии обработки металлов давлением; Донбасская государственная машиностроительная академия; Donbass State Engineering Academy


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