A composite heat state modelling based on universal decomposition composites rule

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The mathematical model and numerical method to solving the problems of heat state of majority composites in conditions of an appreciably unsteady high-thermal stressing are offered. Its base on the identification of the decomposition composites rule. This rule has been obtained and let to exclude chemical kinetics in a region of the decomposition in problems about heat state of the composition. Analysis of the numerical results proves this approach to modeling of heat state composites to be a proper one.

About the authors

Ekaterina L Kuznetcova

Moscow Aviation Institute (State University of Aerospace Technologies)

Email: lareyna@mail.ru
(к.ф.-м.н., доцент), докторант, каф. вычислительной математики и программирования; Московский авиационный институт (государственный технический университет); Moscow Aviation Institute (State University of Aerospace Technologies)


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Copyright (c) 1970 Samara State Technical University

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