On alternating and bounded solutions of one class of integral equations on the entire axis with monotonic nonlinearity

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The paper is devoted to the study of the existence and analysis of the qualitative properties of solutions for one class of integral equations with monotonic nonlinearity on the entire line. The indicated class of equations arises in the kinetic theory of gases. The constructive theorems of the existence of bounded solutions are proved, and certain qualitative properties of the constructed solutions are studied. At the end of the paper, specific applied examples of these equations are given.

About the authors

Khachatur Aghavardovich Khachatryan

Lomonosov Moscow State University; Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia; Yerevan State University

Email: khach82@rambler.ru, Khach82@mail.ru
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, Professor

Haykanush Samvelovna Petrosyan

Lomonosov Moscow State University; National Agrarian University of Armenia

Email: Haykuhi25@mail.ru
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, Associate professor


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