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The purpose of research is identification of morphological and functional features of the gastrointestinal tract of breed mulard ducks. The research were conducted for healthy mulard breed ducks of 6 months age (the parent stock) in the amount of 10 animals that belong to farmers in Rostov region. Feeding poultry used grain, wheat, corn and compound feed, mineral additives in the form of chalk, eggshell, limestone and river shells. Material for the research was the cranial pieces (entrance to stomach), caudal (pocket) and lateral divisions, but in the same region of the muscular outlet of the stomach. In accordance with the objectives and tasks of the research, it was found that breed mulard ducks of 6 months age have the muscular part of the stomach in different parts of different mucosal thickness, length and nuclear protoplasmic ratio (NPR) gland epithelium. The villae have different shapes: pointed, oval, round and a needle. The muscular plate number of smooth muscle cells is different in all parts of the muscle. Revealed the collagen and elastic fibers, they are thick beams between the iron group. PAS positive substance and acidic carbohydrate biopolymers present in the cuticle, between the iron group and in the glands themselves.



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