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The main object of our research was to determine the characteristics of the exterior and the reproductive capacity of the Australian breeding Hereford cattle in the process of acclimatization in the Ural steppe and forest steppe zones of Bashkortostan. The object of research is the cattle of Australian origin, brought winter 2009 GUSP MTS «Central» and LLC «Agro-SAVA-Usen», located in the Ural steppe and steppe zones of the Republic Bashkortostan. The scientific and economic indicators examined experiences of live weight during the first three years of acclimatization (2010-2012 gg.), Analyzed the data of linear and volumetric measurements for which the index is calculated body. Evaluation animals in conformation based on the study of body type characteristics, taking into account the ratio of body parts to each other. The study of conformation and constitution of farmed animals by taking individual body measurements and calculation of body index gives an indication of the intensity of their linear growth depending on the sex and acclimatization period. The reproductive ability of cows was estimated duration between ewes period and the service period, the output of calves per hundred ewes, in terms of body weight of newborn calves. The studies found that in the process of acclimatization there was a significant (P<0.05) increase in live weight of cows at 10.51% and 26.94% for the bulls that show an adaptive plasticity of imported livestock. The evaluation of the exterior and build the amount of balls in bulls was in the range of 18-20, the core of breeding cows – 22-24, which corresponds to the requirements of the elite class and the elite-record. For three years the duration of the acclimatization between ewes period decreased an average of livestock under study for 7 days, the service period – 8 days. Out of calves in the second year of acclimatization has increased by 2.51% and was significantly increased (P <0.05) for the third year at 7.73%. Thus, on the basis of the parameters was studied, it is possible to conclude that high acclimatization abilities Hereford cattle of Australian origin to the conditions of the Ural steppe and forest steppe zones.


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