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The purpose of the research is to identify the peculiarities of interconnection of dynamic characteristics of the turbocharger TKR 6.1 and the engine D-245-35 in the presence of a fault in the pressurization system. In the practice of fault finding in the system of supercharging of automotive engine widely used method of diagnosis, OS-nated steak subs on the measurement of the boost pressure in the nominal modes. In terms of the service companies due to the lack of brake stands to estimate the load mode is often not possible. For acceleration of the turbocharger and engine at the department of mobile power tools, national research of Mordovsky State University named after N. P. Ogarev created diagnostic complex consisting of forming unit of the source signals, the optical sensor shaft speed of the turbocharger, sensor of frequency of rotation of the motor shaft, the linear displacement transducer arm balancing machines, analog-to-digital Converter, software and a personal computer. The tests were carried out on the engine MMZ D-245-35, with an installed turbocharger TKR-6.1, simulation of the working regimes was carried out on the roller-brake stand. The test results obtained a series of characteristics of the acceleration of the turbocharger engine D-245-35 and TKR-6.1 with a step input exposure. Analysis of the data showed that the presence of a malfunction of the boost «leak turbine inlet», «air filter clogged» leads to an increase in the transient time and reducing the frequency of rotation of the rotor TKR in all modes. Spaced- out characteristic obtained in idling mode in the fault conditions «loss of gases after the compressor» is accompanied by the growth of the amplitude value of the shaft speed TCR and the reduction of time of transition. This feature of the waveform of the acceleration allows us to identify faults of this kind in the diagnosis of the supercharging system.

About the authors

Aleksandr Pavlovich Inshakov

N.P. Ogarev Mordovian State University


Ivan Ivanovich Kurbakov

N.P. Ogarev Mordovian State University


Mariya Sergeevna Kurbakova

N.P. Ogarev Mordovian State University



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Copyright (c) 2017 Inshakov A.P., Kurbakov I.I., Kurbakova M.S.

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