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The purpose of research is increase in economically useful qualities of piglets weaned with co-feeding of the sorbent Kovelos-Sorb and probiotic Sporotermin. Weanling piglets produced in 2 months of age. Duration of the experiment was 60 days, on reaching the age of 120 days. The first control group received a basic diet, the second experimental group – the basic diet and probiotic Sporotermin in the amount of 0.1% by weight of the feed, the third experimental group – the basic diet and sorbent Kovelos-Sorb in the amount of 0.1% by weight of the feed, the fourth test group – the basic diet, Sporotermin 0.1 by weight of the feed and Kovelos-Sorb 0.1% by weight of the feed. The studies found that the body weight of piglets at the age of 120 days in the second, third and fourth groups were higher by 4.1; 6.6 and 10.9%, respectively, relative to the first live weight of pigs group. It has also been found to increase average daily gain of 7.1; 11.7 and 19.4%, respectively, relative growth of the first group of piglets. Feed costs decreased by 3.7-16.3% in the experimental group, fed by the sorbent and the probiotic and probiotic sorbent together. With increasing body weight, the increase and feed decrease, there was an increase of beef entering the 0.4-1.6% relative to slaughter pigs release of the first group. Based on these data, we recommend the combined using of probiotic Sporoderm and sorbent Cavelos-Sorb, respectively, in the amount of 0.1% by weight of the feed for piglets-weaned at 2 months of age.

About the authors

Zemfira Vladimirovna Pskhatsieva

Горский государственный аграрный университет

кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук; ассистент; кафедра биологии The Russian Federation,


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