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The research focused on the optimization and stimulation of digestion by using of biologically active substances and their complexes. The task was to study the possibility of optimizing the digestive processes and, consequently, increase the productivity of highly productive ruminants caused by the feeding of mineral shungite. Studies conducted on lactating cows and calves Black-Motley breed in the conditions of the FUSE «Kljonovo-Chegodaevo», Moscow region. 1 scientific-economic experience on the principle analogues was formed 2 groups of lactating cows of Black-Motley breed, on 15 ones in each, while the level of productivity 6500-7000 kg of milk per lactation. In the 2nd scientific and economic experience was formed 2 groups of calves of Black-Motley breed at the age of 3-4 months, staged with the live weight of 100-110 kg, 15 heads in each group. Animals of the experimental groups received the basic diet of farm mineral shungite at the rate of 0.3% of the ration dry matter. The results showed that the inclusion in the composition of the diet of dairy cattle shungite contributes to the optimization of fermentation processes in the rumen, which is manifested in the decrease of ammonia concentration by 25.4%, the increase of amylolytic activity of microorganisms by 2.6%, the concentration of LFP 3.3% and mass of microorganisms. Introduction to the basic diet of lactating cows mineral shungite helped increase milk productivity of cows to 5.4-8.9 percent. Data of individual weighing of calves showed that feeding of mineral shungite improves the intensity of animals growth. Thus, the average daily live weight gain of calves fed the diet with the mineral shungite, increased by 8.4%.

About the authors

Nadezhda Vladimirovna Bogolyubova

The All-Russia Research Institute for Animal Husbandry named after Academy Member L.K. Ernst

кандидат биологических наук; вед.науч. сотр. ; лаборатория кормления и физиологии с.-х. животных The Russian Federation, Podolsk district, village of Dubrovytsia

Viktor Nikolaevich Romanov

The All-Russia Research Institute for Animal Husbandry named after Academy Member L.K. Ernst

кандидат биологических наук; вед. науч. сотр; лаборатория кормления и физиологии с.-х. животных The Russian Federation, Podolsk district, village of Dubrovytsia

Vladimir Anatol'evich Devyatkin

The All-Russia Research Institute for Animal Husbandry named after Academy Member L.K. Ernst

кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук; ст. науч. сотр.; лаборатория кормления и физиологии с.-х. животных The Russian Federation, Podolsk district, village of Dubrovytsia

Elena Vladimirovna Dolgosheva

Samara State Agricultural Academy

доцент; кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук; доцент; кафедра «Технологии производства продуктов животноводства» The Russian Federation, Samara


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Copyright (c) 2016 Bogolyubova N.V., Romanov V.N., Devyatkin V.A., Dolgosheva E.V.

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