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The purpose of research is alfalfa yields increasing by crops of different ages in the conditions of forest-steppe of the Samara region. Field studies were carried out in breeding crop rotation of department introduction, selection of feed and oilseeds Volga research station named after P.N. Konstantinov in 2014. Entomofauna alfalfa crops of different varieties and ages were studied mowing butterfly net. More numerous entomofauna was recorded in crops of alfalfa 2011 compared with age-related crops in 2008. Specialized herbivores studied culture were found in the growing season 2014 agrocenoses alfalfa crops – alfalfa tolstonozhka (Bruchophagus roddi Guss), alfalfa semyaed (Tychius flavus), alfalfa weevils (Sitona humeralis Steph.), Alfalfa bug (Adelphocoris lineolatus Goeze), leaf alfalfa weevil larvae (Phytonomus variabilis Hbst.) and larvae of alfalfa bollworm (Heliothis viriplaca Hfn.). Forms relating to herbivores Polyphagous and Oligophagous cereals were also recorded. In addition agrocenoses met: Entomophages predator’s cocktsinellidy (Coccinellidae), different types of spiders (Arachnida) and representatives of the family of grasshoppers (Tettigonioidea). Large foliage of alfalfa plants was recorded under option Population 4. Several smaller foliage of plants observed in crops of alfalfa 2011 compared with planting in 2008. On the 3-year agrocenoses best foliage appeared on variety Guzel which had the lowest figures in the age crops. Alfalfa seed yields mainly depend on the age of the studied agrocenosis culture. Alfalfa crop given harvest seeds in 3.6-4.7 times more than the age-crops in 2008. The highest seed yield was obtained from the varieties of Emerald in 2008 and in 2011.

About the authors

Elena Vladimirovna Pertseva

Samara State Agricultural Academy

доцент; кандидат биологических наук; доцент кафедры; кафедра «Растениеводство и земледелие» The Russian Federation, Samara


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