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The purpose of the study is improvement of various in in animals body systems in separate development phases of postnatal ontogenesis. To achieve this goal, we have studied the regularities of age-related changes in the activity of gamma-glutamyl transferase in the tissues of the muscles biceps and triceps brachii, quadriceps femoris, gluteus and gastrocnemius muscles of the extremities in rabbits in different phases.Used gray giant breed rabbits at the age 1, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 days. Age groups were formed according to the principle of unique, taking into account gender, body weight, type of nervous system and general condition. The animal muscle tissue samples were removed and frozen in liquid nitrogen for further research. The activity of gamma glutamyl transferase was determined by photocolorimetric and spectrophotometric methods in the scientific laboratory of the Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Ecology of the Academy. The resalts show the nature of age-related changes of the enzyme levels in the tissues of the biceps and triceps the first forty-five days of life is about the same. But it should be noted that the increase or decrease intensity of GGT activity in the tissues during this lifetime differs. In the rest of the studied periods of life the nature of the activity of the enzyme in the biceps and shoulder triceps is different. The most intensive changes in the GGT level in the tissues of the biceps is detected from two-month to three-month age (increased 2.7 times, p<0.001) in the tissues of the triceps – from forty-five daily to two months (increased 3.9 times) and from three-months to four-months (increased 3.0 times, p<0.001). The character of changes of enzyme activity in the tissues of thigh quadriceps at different age rabbits differs from that of the rest of the studied muscles. The most intensive GGT activity changes from twenty-four to thirty days age (increased 4.0 times, p<0.001). Age-related changes in GGT level in the tissues of the gluteus and calf muscles are basically the same. The difference is found only in the first six days of rabbits` life. Enzyme level in rabbits in the tissues of the gluteus maximus during the first six days increased by 91.0%, p<0.05, and in the tissues of the calf muscle, it falls to 27.3%, p<0.05.

About the authors

Mayya Genrikhovna Terent´eva

Chuvash State Agrocultural Academy

кандидат биологических наук; ст. преподаватель кафедры; кафедра «Биотехнологии и переработка сельскохозяйственной продукции» The Russian Federation, Cheboksary

Nataliya Valer'evna Mardar´eva

Chuvash State Agrocultural Academy

доцент; кандидат биологических наук; доцент кафедры; кафедра «Агрохимия и экология» The Russian Federation, Cheboksary


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Copyright (c) 2016 Terent´eva M.G., Mardar´eva N.V.

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